Check the version history of our products at the bottom of every product page for fixes, changes, updates and optimizations.

-Along with the Scope 7 introduction releases, the DAW-Pack, Mixcomp Pack and TapeEcho can be obtained for free for Scope 7 customers! It is shared on a donation basis. Donate a little something you can spare or feel comfortable with to PlanetZ.

-November&december 2017: Updates for Mastering Pack, DAW-Pack, MixComp-Pack, Optimus Prime, TapeEcho and MidiTools
-april 2017: updated dNa-EffectRack to v3.1 (separate modulation preset saving fixed)
-march 2017: Updated dNa-EffectRack to v3.0
-feb 2017: Updated dNa-EffectRack to v2.1
-feb 2017: Updated dNa-ChannelRack (v2.0) & dNa-EffectRack (v2.0)
-jan 2017: Updated DAW Pack, bug in Summer-of-82
-jan 2017: Loyalty Gift: dNa-MultiCOMP (manual not yet included)
-dec 2016: Release of dNa-EffectRack and dNa-ChannelRack
-dec 2016: update for Optimus Prime (v2.61) + Manual
-dec 2016: included missing dsp-file in dNa-MidiTools
-okt 2016: Updated TapeEcho (v1.56)
-dec 2015: Update for Super8Tracker (v1.56) and MidiR (v1.01)
-dec 2015: Release MidiTools and updates for all plugins (x.55 releases)
-April 2015: Update Optimus Prime to v2.5! New unique features!
-Jan 2015: Release Optimus Prime & TapeEcho
-Prior to 2015: Release Patchbay as freebee with SC mailing
-Prior to 2015: Released our Classic plugin-bundles containing Compressors, an Equaliser, and a Mixer and Summer tool

The v5.x executable installer packages can be downloaded at the Sonic Core FTP server. These zip-packages here can be used for both v5.x and v4.x software.

Download the latest versions here:

Loyalty Gift: dNa-MultiCOMP (manual not yet included)

dNa-EffectRack (manual v3 included!, please read included Changelog)
dNa-ChannelRack (manual v2 not yet updated, please read included Changelog)

dNa-Optimus Prime (NEW!)
dNa-Tape Echo (NEW!)

dNa Mastering Pack (NEW!)
dNa DAW Pack (NEW!)
dNa MixComp Pack (NEW!)


dNa-MidiTOOLS (NEW!)


dNa-EffectRack v3.1 Manual
dNa-ChannelRack v1.0 Manual
dNa-Optimus Prime v2.0 Manual

2025  dNa - Digital&Analog DSP Plugins for Sonic Core Platform